Thursday, December 07, 2006

Drifting on the Oasis

Recovered? I donno. It just happened. Normal actually. I tried behave more realistic. Put the ashame beside me. What we saw in the television box of soup opera reflected my life. Its unreel, but its reel. Well, the creator wrote my path on the other way i want, and He know better what is the best fit of me compare to the other. So i have to accepted it in order to submit all my heart to God. Sometimes we cannot ignore the heart vibre whispered, the pain drop down to the bottom, and at the end of the day collapse drowning deep down on the oasis. I had a lucked im still breathing. A single driftwood help me. Hold it tight, and wait until the time has come bring me to a side.
Life must goes on. and a few particular things not finish yet. I need a time to re build my confidence and strength to overcome this pain. On the other hand, Im not point my fingers to a person to blame.Never...because I think im act the dark side of this, im the one..
Same date of the world war two began...pearl harbour sinking by the lil'japanese in the early morning. Absolutely not a single move to fight back, this time.

Tuesday, December 05, 2006

bahana tech

Teknologi jadikan dunia semakin sempit. sempit kerana diburu. sempit kerana wang.sempit kerana tiada tempat mahu lari lagi. hanya perlu statik dan hanya menekan butang sebagai arahan.Kawan kawan anda tahu dimana anda berada.Manusia jua sempit juga kerana terhimpit dek kerana anda seolah olah tidak perlu bergerak sedepa, atau serelung atau juga sepelaung pun tak perlu! Manusia juga berpikiran sempit, mencari helah dan kedangkalan minda(diulangi kedangkalan minda)
Kerana apa jadi begini? kerana kebijaksanaan manusia. Zaman ketamadunan semakin dikatakan bertamadun. Bertamadun dari segi kemudahan dan cara hidup yang lagi tak perlu bersusah payah. tapi tak mungkin dalam aspek kerohanian. Pembinaan semangat dan kejiwaan manusia seakan luput ditelan kebolehan teknologi yang hampir melakukan apaa saja yang manusia boleh buat.
Dimana tempat kita? di mana duduknya kita nanti? apakah peranan kita? kita seakan tiada berfungsi. Hanya teknologi membuat kerjaan. Kerjaan harian. Suburkah perhubungan manusia sesama manusia? dengan tuhan? dengan alam?